Monday, June 23, 2008

Flightdeck Air Combat

The "boys" (Chris, Jeff & my dad) were given tickets to Flightdeck Air Combat for fathers day. The pictures below are of the "boys" prior to their flight. They had a great time! Jeff had the most kills, with Chris coming in second and Dad right behind them. They are looking forward to going again next year.

"It all started with sunglasses in a building"

I am not sure if most of you know the sunglass story, it's the story of when Chris & I first met..... It was registration day at Citrus College and I was checking on classes when I notice this boy also checking classes. The thing I noticed right away about him was he was wearing sunglasses inside the building. That was my biggest pet peeve!! I couldn't beleive this boy had the nerve to not take off his sunglasses. A few weeks later I am sitting in my first class of college and who walks in... the boy with the sunglasses. I couldn't believe my luck! Then my next class I am in Sunglass boy walks in again... We became friends after that and the rest is history. The funny thing is, while I am at work I seldom take off my sunglasses when I am in buildings.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

This Is My First Time

OK, so my dear friend Stacy encouraged me to do my own blog. So far it has taken me the last two hours to get this thing started and have only the bare minimum. Ahhh! I can defintely think of something better to do with my time. My sweet boys keep bugging me to play Candelyand with them and I keep telling them Mommy will be there in just a minute. I swear my boys think a minute is an hour, thanks in part to me...