Monday, June 23, 2008

"It all started with sunglasses in a building"

I am not sure if most of you know the sunglass story, it's the story of when Chris & I first met..... It was registration day at Citrus College and I was checking on classes when I notice this boy also checking classes. The thing I noticed right away about him was he was wearing sunglasses inside the building. That was my biggest pet peeve!! I couldn't beleive this boy had the nerve to not take off his sunglasses. A few weeks later I am sitting in my first class of college and who walks in... the boy with the sunglasses. I couldn't believe my luck! Then my next class I am in Sunglass boy walks in again... We became friends after that and the rest is history. The funny thing is, while I am at work I seldom take off my sunglasses when I am in buildings.

1 comment:

hughesfam said...

Ahhh... now I remember that story. Thanks for sharing it again. Have a safe trip and an awesome time with Nicole up in Utah. Talk to ya soon.