Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Dentist!

The boys had an exciting week of going to the Dentist.
CJ had to have a baby root canal and actually did very well. They hooked up the laughing gas mask and put his glasses on so that nothing got in his eyes and got to work.

He did very well. They numbed up his tooth and he didn't seem to feel anything at all. It helps when you've got a TV screen in the ceiling, so he was watching 101 Dalmations. They did the drilling, filled it and put a crown on his tooth. So we've taken to calling him King CJ. He seems to like that one. They put a sealant on his teeth and took a mold for his spacer that he's going to have to go back in for.

Justin on the other hand... He was getting a little rambuncious when CJ was getting worked on. So luckily Nana was there with us and she took him out for a walk. When it was his turn he came back in and they started to get to work on him. He had two fillings that needed to be taken care of. He got the laughing gas hooked up, the glasses on, the shot was given of "sleeping juice" and they started to get to work and I don't know if he was scared or if it was hurting him but he started screaming and crying and they couldn't go any further. So... we have to schedule an appointment to go back and have him orally sedated. So it look as though we will have another two appointments for the boys before they are done there for the year.


hughesfam said...

Don't you just love the dentist? I'm glad your mom was with you...that can be so stressful!

jodi kay said...

Dang! The dentist can be pretty scary. I've never had any of that laughing gas. My father-in-law really needs to hook me up! I really need to try that some time! Way to go CJ! I don't blame Justin, it's not fun getting a shot in your mouth.

By the way did you just add music to your blog?

Jessica Hughes said...

Good job CJ atta boy! and justin it is pain ful! Hey I want a tv in my dentist to watch. That is a great idea.

Missy Barron said...

Jodi, no the music was on the second week I put up my blog. Are you just now hearing it?? At my work, no music comes up. You really need to ask your father-in-law for the laughing gas. It was funny to see how they reacted to it...

jodi kay said...

That is really weird! I just started hearing your music. I am totally going to ask for that laughing gas next time. Do you think I can get it for a cleaning? LOL!